About me

Some brief introduction about me.

To change the world, tap into your strengths, but do not passively discover who you are.

Hi! Welcome to my blog, I am Chen Xingxu, a person who loves programming and is constantly learning.

I started this blog to share my notes and thoughts on the learning process. Although there are all kinds of programming-related learning resources available nowadays, there are many inexplicable pitfalls once you do it yourself. Sometimes new technologies and frameworks are introduced and I want to get started quickly, but I find that the official documentation is very unfriendly to beginners, so I have to follow the general direction indicated in the documentation based on my past development experience and feel my way around a little bit to master it.

Therefore, I hope to open my own blog to share my learning experience, so that I can inspire others and avoid the detours I took in the learning process. I am also aware of my own limited ability, and I may make some oversight or misunderstanding in the learning process, so I hope to expose my own notes, even if it is just a typo, and hope that you can correct me by leaving comments.

My main blog posts are published in CSDN blog, you can visit my CSDN blog, the language of CSDN blog is Chinese.👉https://blog.csdn.net/telyfox

I'm still exploring and learning about using Github Pages to build a blog, and migrating a blog is a time-consuming task, so I'm going to focus on beautifying and modifying the blog's pages for now, and posting some articles for the purpose of indexing and navigating past blog posts, so for now I hope you can visit my CSDN blog to check out the blog posts I've published.